Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Getting to (and getting stuck in) Lima

After a most uneventful day of travel on Tuesday, we are in Lima, Peru. Left Chicago about 9:35am to fly to Houston for a 3 hour lay-over, then caught a 7+ hour flight into Lima, Peru. (side note – we watched the newer Planet of the Apes, the one with James Franco, and it was awesome!!) Although it seemed as though there were literally hundreds of people in front of us in line at customs, in hindsight, it actually went fairly quickly (though at 11pm after a full day of travel, nothing moves fast). Many people on the plane were very curious to find out our travel plans for Peru, and were very excited to share their favorite places to visit!

After a much needed (and free!) breakfast this morning, we were off again to the Lima airport to catch our plane to Cusco. Everything seemed to be going great, checked in, got our seating arrangement, checked our bags…..not 20 minutes later when preparing to board, we find out the flight has been cancelled. Now, anytime you have a flight that has been cancelled, it is a very stressful situation to deal with. With the language barrier that currently exists, it was a downright nerve-wracking experience! We were eventually led to the correct line to see about getting new tickets, and a bit more important, our bags back! By no fault of anyone’s, this was just mass chaos….people were not waiting in the lines, just cutting, others were yelling, getting the cops, cops were not enforcing lines…..I must have looked like a deer in headlights, while Scott is calmly reading in line! We eventually get to the agent to help us, only about 1 hour wait, and my goodness she was so fantastic! We were only concerned with getting our bags back and with getting a new flight, but she got us a voucher for a free hotel stay (next flight not until tomorrow), free breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and she said she would call us at the hotel when she found our bags, and she DID! Absolutely amazing service from LAN airlines (same airline network as American). They did a wonderful job with a pretty crazy situation :-)

Now with one major travel snafu out of the way, we are hoping it’s smooth sailing for awhile…..but I think we know better than that!

We will be in Cusco for a few days, acclimating, and then off to Aguas Calientes, the jumping off point to Machu Picchu. The hostel we stay at will have free internet, so we will definitely be around!

Hope everyone is well, take care, and talk soon!

Jen and Scott



IMG_0317Our first view of the Pacific in South America (barely visible, beyond the Lima Airport!!)


  1. Wow, what a long day! Glad everything turned out well..Hope you two feel better tomorrow!! love ya Ma

  2. You two are so awesome! We are honored to have you as friends.
